Immunity For The Whole Family

Ditamin supplements

Vitamin C + Zinc

Ditamin Vitamin C + Zinc is an easy way to support immune system health, tablets are specially formulated to provide all the richness and beneficial properties of Vitamin C and Zinc.

Ditamin supplements

Vitamin C Chewable

Ditamin Vitamin C 500 in form of chewable tablets contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. Moreover, it stimulates the natural production of collagen, promotes the health of bones, teeth and skin, and affects the function of mental health. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegans and its use also reduces the feeling of fatigue or exhaustion and protects cells from oxidative stress.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Recommended Dose I Should Take?

As Adults you should take one serving, which is one tablet per day from Ditamin Vitamin C + Zinc and one to four chewable tablets per day from Ditamin Vitamin C Chewable.

What If I Have Allergies?

All of our products are manufactured in an allergen free room and contain no yeast, wheat, milk, eggs, soy, gluten, salt, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, artificial colors, artificial flavors, salicylates, or preservatives.

Are Ditamin Vitamin C Chewable And Vitamin C + Zinc Vegetarian?

Yes. They are made with derived from plants and vegetables.

Does Ditamin Vitamin C Chewable And Vitamin C + Zinc Halal?

Yes. All of our products are Halal.

Where Do You Manufacture Your Products?

We are proud to say that all our products are made here in the Canada and follow the Health Canada regulations and the FDA & GMP guidelines.